Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's a Good Day to Die

Mind that indulges in worldly pleasures
I am dead to you

Body that distracts from discipline
I am dead to you

Tongue that rattles without the steady breath of wisdom
I am dead to you

Judgement that denies another's dignity
I am dead to you

Selfishness that robs gratitude
I am dead to you

Faithlessness that stifles the freedom of joy
I am dead to you

Pride that scorns humility and service
I am dead to you

Unforgiveness that fetters to pain and bitterness
I am dead to you

Anger that speaks ahead of Love
I am dead to you

I am dead
To what seeks destruction
That I may live, a new creation
Clothed in grace
Renewed in the hope of eternity
Eyes gazing ever at perfect love
His arms outstretched
In perfect sacrifice
Embracing my wretchedness
In perfect redemption

"...count yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
--Romans 6:11

1 comment:

Marva said...

Beautiful! Thank you! I needed this, this morning! Hugs!