Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Teach Me Love

In the depths of my soul,
In the quiet of my heart,
Teach me Love.

Teach me love that cannot be shaken
Not by frustration
Not by anger
Not by exhaustion
Not by guilt
Not by ingratitude

Teach me love,
That the words on my lips,
That the work of my hands,
That the path of my feet
Will be ever clothed
With grace,
With gentleness,
With wisdom,
With truth

Teach me Love
So fully, so deeply, so purely,
That seed scattered will be reaped in joy,
Bearing Love in due season.

Teach me Love
Boundless and full,
Poured out in abundance
Teach me Love!

**With gratitude, to JL, for taking the step. I'm honored to walk with you!